Security is always at the back of everyone’s mind, whether it’s using internet or web applications. Security concerns, have since long influenced the very way users, use Web. Realising this, service providers of today’s time are constantly on alert, to ensure overall security.

Talking about one such service provider, we have Google who regularly studies the threat landscape and offers regular internet security updates – warnings.  Lately, Google announced that they will warn their users with security warnings for suspected state-sponsored attacks. For users, who Google believe are being targeted, Google will flash a message on the top of the page reading ‘Warning: We believe state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer. Protect yourself now’.

Google also emphasizes that, if a user sees such a warning it does not necessarily mean that the users account has been hijacked. It implies that Google believes that the user may be a target for malware or phishing. Google also clarifies that these warnings are not being shown because Google’s internal systems have been compromised or because of a particular attack, instead it is only to alert for the user to be prepared for probable chances of an attack.

Taking a step further, Google also suggests few immediate steps, which can help the user secure their accounts. These steps include:
  • Creating a unique password that has a good mix of capital-lowercase letters- punctuation marks and numbers
  • Enabling 2-step verification for additional security
  • Updating the browser, operating system, plug-ins, document editors and so-on, regularly
  • Look for https://accounts.google.com/ in your browser bar, while signing in to Google as attackers often send links through fake sign-in pages, to steal your password

Eric Grosse, VP Security Engineering, further highlights that Google’s detailed analysis along with victim reports; strongly suggest the involvement of states or groups that are state-sponsored.

Being a leading network security provider, Cyberoam appreciates the proactiveness Google is endorsing in terms of ensuring user Security.  It is really worth applause, that Google takes steps to notify users about attacks/ probable attacks, so that users can take the right step to protect their privacy.

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